The latest version of CO™ Mobile (Version 5.0.12) is now available for download via Apple & Android app stores. ConstructionOnline Mobile is the powerful mobile app companion to UDA's industry-leading construction management software, ConstructionOnline.
- Introduced a new feature allowing mobile users to create, view, and edit OnCost Purchasing Receipts and Expenses
- Special Beta Release of New Text Scanner for Receipts: Allows users to scan receipt images and auto-populate receipt details from captured data. Requires user to confirm data entry prior to saving receipt data.
- If you are interested in early access to the New Text Scanner for OnCost Purchasing Receipts, please contact the ConstructionOnline Team at 800-700-8321.
- Enhanced mobile Project Overviews to ensure that the Project Map is displayed, specifically in instances where only the location coordinates are provided for the Project.
- Verified that the Project Map successfully opens the device's selected default Maps app in these instances as well.
- Updated mobile display of Schedule Tasks to maintain color consistency with Schedule Tasks displayed via browser access to ConstructionOnline
- Improved speed and loading times for the mobile Calendar List view
- Confirmed that Company Custom Values consistently load in the designated order when accessed from CO Mobile