ConstructionOnline Newsroom

Enhanced Access to ConstructionOnline To Dos from Company Overview Dashboard

Written by UDA Corporate Newsroom | March 31, 2021

As part of a recent series of updates designed to enhance the speed, functionality, and performance of UDA's award-winning construction management tools, Company & Project To Dos now load to ConstructionOnline's Company Overview Dashboard at a rate 4x faster than before. 

One of ConstructionOnline's most versatile features, Company & Project To Dos empower users with easy-to-use tools for effortless management of a variety of critical tasks. With a single, centralized To Do List available from the Company Overview Dashboard, construction companies count on the clarity and convenience of such flexible task management. By drastically increasing the rate at which this data loads for users around the world, ConstructionOnline™, driven by UDA's TrueStar™ Database Engine, continues to serve as a vehicle for improving team efficiency, communication, and productivity. 

Trusted by more than 750,000 construction professionals in over 75 countries worldwide, ConstructionOnline's powerful Project Tracking tools connect construction team from the office to the field and anywhere in between to keep everyone on the same page. To learn more about Project Tracking in ConstructionOnline + CO™ Mobile, contact UDA Technologies at 1.800.700.8321.