ConstructionOnline Newsroom

Enhanced Options for Sharing Construction Plans via Redline™ Planroom

Written by UDA Corporate Newsroom | May 5, 2022

UDA Technologies recently announced expanded options for sharing construction plans via Redline™ Planroom for ConstructionOnline. The latest enhancements offer construction pros options for downloading, printing, and emailing construction plans at the original resolution (full-size) with all markup included.

Alongside additional improvements recently released for Redline™ Planroom, which include new sheet comparison functions, updated sheet controls & streamlined navigation, and additional export options, full-size sharing options for construction plans further establish the revolutionary plan management tools of Redline™ Planroom as the industry’s best solution for plan-centric project management.

Full-size sharing of Redline™ Plan Set is available for ConstructionOnline Company Users, as well as ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users. All ConstructionOnline™ subscriptions include access to Redline™ Planroom, which is available for all Projects - and Opportunities now as well, following ConstructionOnline’s most recent feature release. To learn more about Redline™ Planroom for ConstructionOnline, contact UDA Technologies at 1-800-700-8321.