ConstructionOnline Newsroom

New Feature Spotlight: Items Database and Costbooks for ConstructionOnline Estimating

Written by UDA Corporate Newsroom | September 14, 2020

UDA Technologies released the latest feature to power industry-leading construction estimating today – the ConstructionOnline Items Database. This impressive update introduces customizable costbooks to ConstructionOnline, providing a central location where users can store, track, & manage construction costs. 

With a sleek, user-friendly interface, ConstructionOnline’s Items Database delivers construction cost management that’s practical for every company. The fast, responsive search makes it easy to insert items into estimates, bringing in the Item Name, Description, Classification, Unit, and Unit Cost. When costs inevitably change, ConstructionOnline makes it easy to update item details in costbooks and across project estimates. 

ConstructionOnline’s customizable costbooks feature multiple levels of organization, which allow companies the flexibility to organize costs as preferred. Costbooks can be built directly in ConstructionOnline or imported from an existing Excel spreadsheet for easy, quick creation. With access to all of your company’s custom cost data in one centralized location, ConstructionOnline delivers a better, smarter, faster way to create comprehensive construction estimates. 

Contact UDA Technologies today at 1.800.700.8321 to learn more.