ConstructionOnline Newsroom

New Plan Versioning Introduced to Redline Planroom 2.0

Written by UDA Corporate Newsroom | November 4, 2019

ConstructionOnline Users now have access to new Version Set Management tools in Redline Planroom. With the addition of this new feature, plan version sets can be easily added and edited to ensure that all project team members are working with the most up-to-date set of project plans.

Versioning is automatically applied to plans upon upload, and the easy-to-access “Current Set” view clearly directs project team members to the most recent version of the project plans. Previous versions are stored under “Version Sets” for secure record-keeping. History logs regarding Version Sets are recorded and made available within Redline Planroom’s Publish Log, as well as the Latest Project Activity and the Company History Log. 

Powered by UDA’s innovative artificial intelligence + machine learning technology, New Plan Versioning is just one more way that Redline Planroom 2.0 stands out from other plan management tools on the market today as the premier solution for modern, intelligent plan organization & management. To learn more about New Plan Versioning for Redline Planroom 2.0, check out the recent webinar from UDA Academy here: