ConstructionOnline Newsroom

Take Control of Project Visibility with New Settings for Client & Subcontractor Portals

Written by UDA Corporate Newsroom | August 27, 2024

ConstructionOnline™ is excited to introduce additional Project controls that allow Company Administrators and Project Creators to fine-tune project visibility for ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Users. Located within the Project Status tab of the Project Details modal, Company Administrators and Project Creators will now find the following updates alongside established Project Status controls - 

  • Custom Visibility Controls 
    • Company Administrators and/or Project Creators can control whether Projects are visible to ClientLink and TeamLink users using the provided toggles. 
    • When Visibility is set to "OFF," ClientLink and TeamLink users will be unable to view the project or receive automated notifications.
      • However, they can still receive communication items such as Messages, Project Announcements, RFIs, and Transmittals if they are explicitly added as recipients, though they will not see the project itself.
  • Intuitive Controls Based on Project Status 
    • For Projects with a “Pending” status, the ClientLink and TeamLink Visibility toggles are turned "OFF" and cannot be toggled "ON."
    • For Projects with a “Live” status, the toggles are turned "ON" by default but can be manually turned "OFF" as needed.
  • Updated Project Invitations
    • Keeping consistent with current system behavior, no Project Invitations are sent for Projects with a “Pending” Status. 
    • For “Live” projects with both ClientLink and TeamLink Visibility Settings turned "ON," invitations are sent to all users.
    • If only one of the Visibility Settings is turned "ON," only relevant users will receive invitations.
    • If Visibility Settings are toggled "ON" after a Project goes “Live,” invitations will be sent accordingly, except in cases where an invite has already been sent.

These control updates ensure that project visibility and communication can be managed with greater precision, enhancing user management, team communication, and the overall project management experience within ConstructionOnline. To learn more about the client and subcontractor tools offered within the industry’s leading construction management software platform, contact a ConstructionOnline Product Specialist at 800.700.8321.