ConstructionOnline Newsroom

ConstructionOnline Publish Notes for the Week of June 7, 2021

Written by UDA Corporate Newsroom | June 7, 2021

UDA Technologies continues to invest in the growth and stability of ConstructionOnline™ with several new enhancements and recent updates, including - 


  •  Optimized display for Lead Open Dates in DD/MM/YYYY


  •  Updated how scheduled task duration is impacted when a user creates a custom holiday on a date during the task's interval. 
    •  If a custom holiday is created on the same day as a single-day task, the task is pushed back a day. 
    •  If a custom holiday is created on the last day of a multi-day task, the task end date is pushed back a day. 
    •  If a custom holiday is created on the first day of a multi-day task, the entire task is shifted back a day. 
    •  If a custom holiday is created on a day in the middle of a multi-day task, the task end date is pushed back a day. 


  •  Updated To Do Report with new & improved styling


  •  Estimate Dashboards
    •  General: All views containing circle graphs have sections for Selections & unlinked Change Orders
    •  Remaining Budget Chart: Only Adjusted Cost, Actual Cost, and Remaining Budget values are displayed. Remaining Budget is calculated based on the Remaining Value Calculation Settings. 
    •  Invoicing Overview Chart: Only Total Price, Invoice, and To Be Invoiced value are displayed. To Be Invoiced is calculated based on the Balance Value Calculation Settings. 
    •  Payment Overview Chart: Only Total Price, Paid, and To Be Paid values are displayed. 
  •  Estimate Settings Modal
    •  The Calculation Methods Tab is displayed in the modal
    •  The same Balance/Remaining options from the Accounting Integration modal are displayed when the tab is selected. 
    •  The default calculation setting for Remaining is Adjusted Cost minus Actuals
    •  The default calculation setting for Balance is Total Price minus Invoiced
    •  If the Project is integrated with QuickBooks Online, then the QuickBooks Online calculation settings are used and the checkboxes are disabled
    •  If the Project is integrated with QuickBooks Online and the user clicks on a disabled option, then a modal directing them to the QuickBooks Online settings is displayed
    •  If the Calculation Methods are changed, then the Estimate is refreshed and the new settings are applied. 
  •  Estimate Grid - General
    •  Balance column was renamed to "To Be Invoiced"
    •  Remaining column was renamed to "Remaining Budget"
    •  "To Be Paid" column was added to the Estimate
    •  To Be Paid column is calculated as Total Price minus Paid
    •  Paid is calculated based on the Payments for Invoices
  •  Linked Invoices Modal
    •  The Linked Invoices styling is applied to an Estimate Subcategory, Change Order, Company Overhead & Margin, and Selection row that was used on an Invoice
    •  The styling is applied to Estimate Item rows when the Estimate Subcategory contains a Linked Invoice
    •  The styling is applied to the Invoice, To Be Invoiced, Paid, and To Be Paid cells on the rows
    •  If the user hovers over one of the cells above on a row with a Linked Invoice, then the link styling is displayed
    •  If the user clicks on the cell with link styling applied, the Related Invoices modal is displayed
    •  If there is only one Linked Invoice for the selected row, the Related Invoices modal is skipped and the Invoice details are opened in a new tab
  •  Related Invoices Modal
    •  All of the Related Invoices for the selected row are displayed
    •  No options are preselected
    •  The user must select at least one Invoice
    •  A modal is displayed letting the user know an Invoice must be selected if the user clicks on "Go to Invoice" before selecting an Invoice
    •  In an Invoice is selected when the user clicks "Go to Invoice," then the Invoice details are opened in a new tab and the modal is dismissed in the current tab. 
  •  Estimate vs. Invoiced Report
    •  The options to use QuickBooks Invoiced Amounts and "Calculate balance as..." are removed
    •  The "balance" options from the Estimate Settings are displayed in the modal
    •  The "balance" options are updated based on the selected Estimate
    •  The use can change how balance is calculated on the report without effecting the Estimate Settings
    •  The selected "balance" calculation is used in the report
  •  Estimate vs. Actuals Report
    •  The option to use QuickBooks Actuals is removed
    •  The "remaining" options from the Estimate Settings are displayed in the modal
    •  The "remaining" options are updated based on the selected Estimate
    •  The user can change how remaining is calculated on the report without effecting the Estimate Settings
    •  The "remaining" labels are updated based on "Calculate Variance" option being enabled/disabled
    •  The selected "remaining" calculation is used in the report