ConstructionOnline Newsroom

ConstructionOnline Publish Notes for the Week of June 7, 2021

ConstructionOnline Publish Notes for the Week of June 7, 2021

UDA Technologies continues to invest in the growth and stability of ConstructionOnline™ with several new enhancements and recent updates, including - 


  •  Optimized display for Lead Open Dates in DD/MM/YYYY


  •  Updated how scheduled task duration is impacted when a user creates a custom holiday on a date during the task's interval. 
    •  If a custom holiday is created on the same day as a single-day task, the task is pushed back a day. 
    •  If a custom holiday is created on the last day of a multi-day task, the task end date is pushed back a day. 
    •  If a custom holiday is created on the first day of a multi-day task, the entire task is shifted back a day. 
    •  If a custom holiday is created on a day in the middle of a multi-day task, the task end date is pushed back a day. 


  •  Updated To Do Report with new & improved styling


  •  Estimate Dashboards
    •  General: All views containing circle graphs have sections for Selections & unlinked Change Orders
    •  Remaining Budget Chart: Only Adjusted Cost, Actual Cost, and Remaining Budget values are displayed. Remaining Budget is calculated based on the Remaining Value Calculation Settings. 
    •  Invoicing Overview Chart: Only Total Price, Invoice, and To Be Invoiced value are displayed. To Be Invoiced is calculated based on the Balance Value Calculation Settings. 
    •  Payment Overview Chart: Only Total Price, Paid, and To Be Paid values are displayed. 
  •  Estimate Settings Modal
    •  The Calculation Methods Tab is displayed in the modal
    •  The same Balance/Remaining options from the Accounting Integration modal are displayed when the tab is selected. 
    •  The default calculation setting for Remaining is Adjusted Cost minus Actuals
    •  The default calculation setting for Balance is Total Price minus Invoiced
    •  If the Project is integrated with QuickBooks Online, then the QuickBooks Online calculation settings are used and the checkboxes are disabled
    •  If the Project is integrated with QuickBooks Online and the user clicks on a disabled option, then a modal directing them to the QuickBooks Online settings is displayed
    •  If the Calculation Methods are changed, then the Estimate is refreshed and the new settings are applied. 
  •  Estimate Grid - General
    •  Balance column was renamed to "To Be Invoiced"
    •  Remaining column was renamed to "Remaining Budget"
    •  "To Be Paid" column was added to the Estimate
    •  To Be Paid column is calculated as Total Price minus Paid
    •  Paid is calculated based on the Payments for Invoices
  •  Linked Invoices Modal
    •  The Linked Invoices styling is applied to an Estimate Subcategory, Change Order, Company Overhead & Margin, and Selection row that was used on an Invoice
    •  The styling is applied to Estimate Item rows when the Estimate Subcategory contains a Linked Invoice
    •  The styling is applied to the Invoice, To Be Invoiced, Paid, and To Be Paid cells on the rows
    •  If the user hovers over one of the cells above on a row with a Linked Invoice, then the link styling is displayed
    •  If the user clicks on the cell with link styling applied, the Related Invoices modal is displayed
    •  If there is only one Linked Invoice for the selected row, the Related Invoices modal is skipped and the Invoice details are opened in a new tab
  •  Related Invoices Modal
    •  All of the Related Invoices for the selected row are displayed
    •  No options are preselected
    •  The user must select at least one Invoice
    •  A modal is displayed letting the user know an Invoice must be selected if the user clicks on "Go to Invoice" before selecting an Invoice
    •  In an Invoice is selected when the user clicks "Go to Invoice," then the Invoice details are opened in a new tab and the modal is dismissed in the current tab. 
  •  Estimate vs. Invoiced Report
    •  The options to use QuickBooks Invoiced Amounts and "Calculate balance as..." are removed
    •  The "balance" options from the Estimate Settings are displayed in the modal
    •  The "balance" options are updated based on the selected Estimate
    •  The use can change how balance is calculated on the report without effecting the Estimate Settings
    •  The selected "balance" calculation is used in the report
  •  Estimate vs. Actuals Report
    •  The option to use QuickBooks Actuals is removed
    •  The "remaining" options from the Estimate Settings are displayed in the modal
    •  The "remaining" options are updated based on the selected Estimate
    •  The user can change how remaining is calculated on the report without effecting the Estimate Settings
    •  The "remaining" labels are updated based on "Calculate Variance" option being enabled/disabled
    •  The selected "remaining" calculation is used in the report


Topics: Weekly Publish Reports