ConstructionOnline Newsroom

See Construction Takeoffs More Clearly with New Views for Redline™

New Grid Views Offer Clarity and Visibility to Construction Takeoffs

2021 has delivered sweeping updates to Redline™ Takeoff, UDA's innovative toolkit for online construction takeoffs. Construction pros are seeing takeoff measurements & items even more clearly now with new grid views introduced for Redline™ Takeoff:

Items by Takeoff: See any items assigned to takeoffs, including classifications, unit cost, purchase unit, quantity, & more
Measurements by Takeoff: See a breakdown of measurements per takeoff, including primary measurement type, any additional measurements, & sheet reference

Users are able to easily see when takeoffs were last sent to ConstructionOnline's OnCost™ Estimating, directly from the "Sent to Estimate" column in both new grid views. Intuitive navigation updates also provide click-to options for Redline™ Takeoff Sheets and OnCost™ Estimating.

To learn more about Redline™ Takeoff and OnCost™ Estimating, contact a UDA Product Specialist at 1.800.700.8321. 


Topics: Estimating Redline Takeoff