ConstructionOnline Newsroom

Streamline Schedule Task Management with Upgraded Tools for Subcontractors

Subcontractor Online Login Portal | Construction Scheduling Software | Construction Project Management Software | UDA ConstructionOnline

Well-known for providing construction professionals with the software solutions needed to manage their projects efficiently, ConstructionOnline™ is excited to announce the latest enhancement geared toward subcontractor communication and schedule management. In response to highly-valued client feedback, ConstructionOnline has added the ability for construction companies to grant TeamLink™ Users permission to mark OnPlan Schedule Tasks as “Complete” from the Project Portal. 

To enable this permission, Company Users (with permission to “adjust what ClientLink™ and TeamLink users are able to see in their projects”) should navigate to the ClientLink & TeamLink Features modal > TeamLink tab > Calendars & Schedules section > Schedule sub-section. Here, Company Users will find the new option to “Allow TeamLink users to mark Tasks as complete”. Once enabled, Company Users can further refine the permissions by selecting one of the two sub-options: 

  • “Only allow users to mark Tasks they are assigned to as complete” - This default setting ensures that TeamLink Users can only mark the Tasks they have been assigned as a Resource on as “Complete”.

  • “Allow users to mark any Task as complete” - For more flexible team management, this option allows TeamLink Users to complete any task within the schedule.

With this update, TeamLink Users can mark Schedule Tasks as complete anywhere they can view or access them, including OnPlan™ Scheduling, Calendars, and GamePlans™. To learn more about the ways ConstructionOnline continues to streamline project management and improve team collaboration, contact a UDA Product Specialist at 800.700.8321.


Topics: Scheduling TeamLink ConstructionOnline 2024