ConstructionOnline Newsroom

CO™ Mobile Update Notes (Version 4.8.8)

Download the latest version of UDA's construction mobile app | CO™ Mobile (Version 4.8.8) | Now available for Apple & Android | Pair with ConstructionOnline, #1 construction management software

The latest version of CO™ Mobile (Version 4.8.8) is now available for download via Apple & Android app stores. CO™ Mobile is the powerful mobile app companion to ConstructionOnline, UDA's industry-leading construction management software. 


  • Optimized Notification Settings for Project Channels to further account for any Project Channels that have been Archived or Deleted. 


  • Updated Lead Event Overview to display any saved Lead Event Notes. 
  • Streamlined editing options for Calendar Events, making it easier to update Calendar Events from the mobile app with confidence and consistency. 


  • Improved loading of Contacts to ensure that ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Contacts are able to view any Project Contacts who they have access to view in all expected app fields.
  • Updated system logic applied to app login permissions, ensuring that all ConstructionOnline Contacts are able to successfully login via CO™ Mobile.


Topics: ConstructionOnline Mobile