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CO™ Mobile Update Notes (Version 5.0.5)

Download the latest version of ConstructionOnline Mobile | Version 5.0.5 | Construction Mobile App | Construction Management Software

The latest version of CO™ Mobile (Version 5.0.5) is now available for download via Apple & Android app stores. ConstructionOnline Mobile is the powerful mobile app companion to UDA's industry-leading construction management software, ConstructionOnline.

Key updates in Version 5.0.5 of CO™ Mobile include - 


  • Android: Camera V2 functions published for Android devices:
    • Introduced capability to record videos
    • Added Tap-to-Focus function
    • Added slider adjustment tool for Exposure Setting
    • Enabled use of front/back wide-angle camera (for supported devices)
    • Verified consistency of aspect ratio (3:4) across platforms
    • Streamlined navigation and modernized user interface
  • iOS: Streamlined Image “Capture” sequence to ensure app ability to upload captured files, even once they have entered a “Pending” state.


  • Added the ability to sort by:
    • Display Name
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email


  • Improved app loading sequence for Daily Logs to enhance speed & performance
  • Updated app logic to streamline the creation of Daily Logs from Time Tracking entries, resolving common errors that previously required an app restart


  • Optimized upload processor reduce CPU usage and prevent ANRs (Application Not Responding)
  • Enhanced notification regarding background uploads to ensure accuracy of progressive count displayed when an active upload is processing (i.e “Uploading 5/10 files”)
  • Streamlined app logic processing batch uploads of multiple files in a single instance, specifically as related to Daily Logs
  • Android: Updated app to better align with devices running Android 12 OS, Android 13 OS, and Android 14 OS. 
    • Verified that batch uploads would run as a single background action. 
    • Added message to inform users not to close the app while files are being prepared for upload.


  • Upgraded overall animation, speed, and performance across all app functions
  • Android: Improved app compatibility with Android 14 OS


Topics: ConstructionOnline Mobile