ConstructionOnline Newsroom

ConstructionOnline Publish Notes for the Week of March 8, 2021

ConstructionOnline Publish Notes for the Week of March 8, 2021

UDA Technologies continues to invest in the growth and stability of ConstructionOnline with several new updates & enhancements released today, including:


  • Costbooks Export
    • Users can export existing costbooks
    • Users can download blank costbooks templates
    • Users can modify exported costbooks and re-import them to update existing costbooks

Note: Exported costbooks and costbook templates have a second README page that contains instructions for the costbook file, including a list of all valid Units, Units of Measure, Classifications, etc. 

  • Costbook Import & Update
    • Users can now choose to Import Costbooks when right-clicking on an existing costbook to import updates to the costbook. 
    • Updating existing items:
      • Costbook Item Name and Parent Name are the unique identifiers
      • An existing Costbook Item will only be updated if the item in the imported costbook has the same name and same location in the file hierarchy. 
      • Changes to either will result in a new Costbook Item and the existing Costbook Item will remain unaltered. 
    • Creating New Items:
      • Adding a new Costbook Item to the costbook import file will add that item to the costbook on import
      • Renaming an existing row item will create a new Costbook Item with the new name and any details in the renamed costbook line item
      • Changing the Parent of the Costbook Item (e.g. moving the row item to a different parent folder) will create a new Costbook Item


  • Optimized edits to project numbers via inline edits


  • Change Order Markup Total for Project Totals in 3-Level Estimates now includes the markup totals for all approved non-linked Change Orders
  • Approved Change Order Total calculates in the Estimate Export for 3-Level Estimates


  • Enhanced viewports for tablet & mobile access


  • Streamlined navigation for creation of new Opportunities


  • Editing the Scope of Work from financial report settings modal seamlessly applies edits to Scope of Work across all points within project


  • Selection Category Sheets in 3-Level Estimates for Projects & Opportunity display Selections in the order they appear in the primary Selections feature section


Topics: Weekly Publish Reports