ConstructionOnline Newsroom

ConstructionOnline™ Publish Report for the Week of February 6, 2023

ConstructionOnline™ Publish Report for the Week of February 6, 2023

As a part of providing cutting-edge construction management software, UDA Technologies releases regular updates, enhancements, and new features to its award-winning construction management platform—ConstructionOnline™. Recent additions to the platform include - 


  • To Dos can now be linked to OnPlan™ Schedule Tasks in the first iteration of ConstructionOnline’s SmartLink™ features

  • Added new Insert Delay feature to OnPlan™ Schedules
    • The new Insert Delay option within OnPlan™ Schedules allows Users to select a start point for the delay and the duration of the delay so that all Tasks/Groups/Milestones after the delay start are shifted to the delay end
      • The shift keeps the relative positions of the schedule elements intact so that inserting a delay will not violate predecessors or condense the schedule
    • The Insert Delay option can be accessed in two ways:
      • From the Gantt Chart:
        • Right-click on the date you wish to Insert the Delay from and select the “Insert Delay” option from the dropdown menu
        • Choosing “Insert Delay” opens the visual interface on top of the schedule with the following options:
          • Delay Start - All tasks after this point will be shifted
            • Tasks to the left of the demarcation are shaded and not affected by the delay
            • If a task crosses the delay start demarcation, additional days equal to the duration of the delay are added to the task’s duration
          • Delay End - All tasks existing after the Delay Start will be shifted to the Delay End
            • Tasks are shifted a number of days equal to the delay duration
              The blue overlay indicates the gap that will be inserted into the schedule
          • Save - Commits the change and adjusts the Schedule
          • Options - Launches the Insert Delay in Schedule modal
        • Users can adjust the Delay Start and End dates by clicking and dragging the demarcations
      • From the Insert Delay in Schedule Modal:
        • Users can access the modal by choosing “Options” from the Insert Delay visual interface overlay OR by clicking the gray three-dot menu at the top right of the OnPlan™ Schedule and choosing “Insert Delay” from the dropdown menu
        • Within the modal, Users can choose the delay duration including - 
          • Delay Start Date - Specifies the start date for the delay
          • Delay End Date - Specifies the end date for the delay
            • Must be after the Start Date chronologically
          • Delay By Days - Adds a delay from the designated start date equal to the designated number of days
          • Delay By Weeks - Adds a delay from the designated start date equal to the designated number of weeks


  • Added Schedule End Date Slippage as a parameter option to the Project Health Scorecard
    • Users can now set a point value and scoring conditions for Schedule End Date Slippage metrics (which are dependent on Schedule Baselines)
    • This parameter can be enabled within any existing Scorecard Settings & Score Set


  • Ensured deleting a Contact associated with a Submittal does not interfere with the Submittal loading process


  • Updated formatting and styling of Selection Choice cards to account for long URLs


Topics: Weekly Publish Reports