ConstructionOnline Newsroom

ConstructionOnline™ Publish Report for the Week of June 10, 2024

ConstructionOnline™ Publish Report for the Week of June 10, 2024

Engineered to provide the industry’s best ROI, UDA continually invests in its clients success through regular updates & new features added to the award-winning construction management software, including - 


  • Introduced complete redesign of To Do Lists tool featuring three new interfaces from which To Dos can be managed: 
    • List View - The default interface for To Do Lists built on an upgraded dynamic table that allows for inline editing, sortable columns and rows, interactive cell elements, and endless table styling options.
    • Group By View - Exclusive to ConstructionOnline, this interface amplifies the powerful dynamic table capabilities of List View by allowing users to group To Dos into any combination of selected properties alongside advanced sorting options, convenient drag-and-drop functions, compressible custom tables, automatic total counts and average calculations, and more. 
    • Board View - Inspired by the Kanban framework, this interface presents To Dos on cards, sorted into columns, and organized by a selected property like Project, Resource, Stage, etc. in an appealing visual alternative to the spreadsheet-style interfaces. Users can completely customize their board with the inline display of attachments, personalized card settings, flexible column options, color themes, and more.
    • For a further look at what’s new for ConstructionOnline To Do Lists, visit the following resources: 


  • Optimized server performance to improve Activity Summary release


  • Verified Non-Admin Company Users can view all Folders, Subfolders, and Checklists they have permission to access


  • Ensured all edits to Selection Choices save in all instances


  • Confirmed that the Cost Code Filter applies to both Lump Sum and Multi-Line Change Orders


Topics: Weekly Publish Reports