ConstructionOnline Newsroom

Fast, Functional Photostream™ Views Enhanced with Impressive Upgrades

UDA ConstructionOnline™ | What's New for 2022 - Fast, Functional Photo Timelines

UDA recently announced impressive upgrades released to ConstructionOnline™ Photostream Views, catapulting the platform's state-of-art File & Photo management to the next level. 

Photostream™ Views in ConstructionOnline™ present construction project images in scannable, chronological timelines, enabling construction pros the ability to quickly & easily assess project progress. Recent Photostream™ upgrades really embody the spirit of ConstructionOnline™ 2022 -
Speed. Vision. Performance. 

  • Speed. Photostream™ timelines now load up to 60x faster, making it faster than ever for team members in the field to upload, access, & manage project photos. 
  • Vision. ConstructionOnline™ Users can now customize Photostream™ views by choosing from variable image sizes (Small, Medium, Large) for thumbnails displays. 
  • Performance. Photostream™ views now render up to 150 images when initially loading, so that users can find the photos needed quickly & easily with a limited number of clicks required. 

ConstructionOnline's modern Photostream™ views have been a user favorite since being introduced in 2019, and these recent upgrades certainly enhance the system's industry-leading file & photo management. To learn more about harnessing the power of construction's top-rated, all-in-one project management system, contact UDA Technologies at 1.800.700.8321. 


Topics: Image Galleries Cloud File Management ConstructionOnline™ 2022