ConstructionOnline Newsroom

Introducing New Inbound Emails in ConstructionOnline


With new Inbound Project Emails in ConstructionOnline™, construction companies around the world will find it easier than ever to receive and manage project-related correspondence. Upon creation, each ConstructionOnline Project now receives a unique Inbound Email Address where users can directly send emails for full documentation and accountability.

Inbound Project Emails in ConstructionOnline enable users to –

  • Receive external emails in a Dedicated Project Inbox
  • Store, Share, and Resend project-related correspondence
  • Access and Manage included Email Attachments
  • Control Inbound Access on a project-by-project basis

With more than 650,000 users worldwide, UDA Technologies remains dedicated to opening channels of communication to streamline the complexity of construction management, and ConstructionOnline’s new Inbound Project Emails further prove this commitment. To learn more about new Inbound Project Emails in ConstructionOnline, check out UDA’s recently recorded New Feature Spotlight here.  

Topics: UDA ConstructionOnline