ConstructionOnline Newsroom

Copy Construction Documents Efficiently with New Enhancements to ConstructionOnline™ Files

Construction Cloud File Management | Unlimited Cloud Storage | Construction Management Software | UDA ConstructionOnline

UDA Technologies recently introduced a powerful new option for managing ConstructionOnline™ Files. ConstructionOnline™ Users will now find they have the ability to copy Folders and Albums to the current location of the source Folder or Album—improving ease and efficiency when managing construction documentation. 

ConstructionOnline’s state-of-the-art Files & Photo management system is designed to support growing contractors with fast & functional solutions for managing crucial construction documentation. With unlimited storage and access to project documents for anywhere, as well as the ability to customize who can see and download files & photos, it’s clear why nearly one million construction pros look to ConstructionOnline™ for powerful software solutions for their construction document management needs. 

To learn more about ConstructionOnline’s cutting-edge tools for construction document management, contact a UDA Product Specialist today at 1-800-700-8321.


Topics: Cloud File Management ConstructionOnline™ 2023