ConstructionOnline Newsroom

New & Improved: Redline™ Sheet Comparison Tools

What's New for ConstructionOnline™ 2022 | Enhanced Sheet Comparison Tools for Construction Plan Management

ConstructionOnline announced new & improved sheet comparison tools for construction plans in Redline™ Planroom. The intuitive enhancements delivered to Redline’s sheet comparison tools offer a new level of visibility for construction pros around the world when working with ConstructionOnline’s revolutionary toolkit for plan markup & management.

Highlights of the new & improved Redline™ Sheet Comparison tools include:
  • Improved accessibility with new Compare Sheets button added in both Redline™ Planroom & Redline™ Takeoff and a right-click option to Compare Sheets added to the Redline™ Current Set

  • New options introduced for sheet selection
    • Layer & Compare original sheet(s) and sheet revision(s)
    • Layer & Compare different versions of different sheets
    • Layer & Compare multiple sheets as needed
  • Functions enhanced for sheet control & navigation, including - 
    • Options to Rotate individual sheets left/right
    • Options to Adjust Alignment improved to support the free alignment of full sheets/images
    • Zoom functionality available within sheet alignment functions
    • Resize tool added, allowing users to make selected sheets larger/smaller
    • Option to Cancel Adjustments added to reset canvas and clear adjustments made to sheet size, alignment, zoom, and more
  • New "Export Sheet Comparison" option added which allows users to save sheet comparisons as a .PNG file

Redline’s new & improved sheet comparison tools are exclusively available for ConstructionOnline™ Company Users with Redline™ Planroom Permissions set to “Can Add & Update Plans” or higher. To learn more about Redline™ Planroom and Redline™ Takeoff for ConstructionOnline, contact UDA Technologies at 1-800-700-8321.


Topics: Redline Planroom Redline Takeoff